Funny Depressing Miraculous Ladybug Funny Depression

Miraculous Ladybug Prompt: Marinette, due to the many pressures and stress in her life, has to start taking prescribed anxiety medication. Lila sees her take one of the pills and tries to start a rumor that shes taking drugs, but unlike the outrage she expected(angry, disgusted, ect) the class has a brain cell that day and decides to have an intervention. When it comes out what the pill really was, Marinette gets reassured that taking her medicine is important, and they don't think shes weak for needing it.

Esentally it's about Mental health, being okay with needing medication, and how taking your medicition is important for your health and safety.

Possibly includes Bipolar!Nath, ADD!Kim, or maybe Adrien realising he may need help with depression.

Again, send me a link to it, otherwise its f2u.

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THIS is how Adrien might have presented as depressed pre-origins

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Just going through life, going through the motions. No care or interest in what was going on around him. The same old same old.

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This was a stronger depressive episode, but I feel like this is our biggest clue to what Adrien might have been like before the events of the show.

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welcome to the club luka, im so sorry


i messed around with halftones today! im gonna try to incorporate them more since i got the brushes a while ago,, look forward to it!

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adrien agreste & the body language of abuse

anybody who has seen even only one episode of miraculous ladybug can perfectly describe who chat noir is - he's brazen, he's fun, he's witty, he's flamboyant and overdramatic. he's the kind of hero who will preen confidently, give you a captivating wink and then he's off to save the world. but he's not chat noir all the time, or even half the time. most of the time, chat noir is adrien agreste - a quiet and exceedingly polite kid, who is likely to fade into the background despite his supermodel status. and sure, he knows how to be graceful and how to exude charisma, and he's still capable of being a drama queen (like slouching down a wall from being lovestruck).

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but this post isn't about that.

because adrien is gabriel agreste's son all the time - a cold, careless, intimidating man, who will raise his voice to force others into submission, and who is depicted almost always with clenched fists.

what i've tried to do here is outline through images how gabriel's abuse has altered and influenced adrien's body language. because of tumblr's image limits (and the limits of my own patience), i have definitely missed some scenes, but i believe that i've managed to present with commentary the most important parts.

warning: image-heavy post.

chat noir is larger than life. adrien agreste tries to make himself as small as possible.

one of the biggest visual cues that the show gives us about adrien is that he has the tendency to wrap his arms around himself as a way of protection, whether because he's afraid of being vulnerable in front of others, or because he's self-soothing. he will do that even when there are other people around him that are offering comfort. adrien avoids bothering others with his feelings as much as possible, and putting his arms around his front serves as a replacement for the tender and warm touch he craves. he can also slouch, or put his knees up while sitting, creating a cocoon of sorts to feel safe. we also see him standing with his arms crossed in the rare times he tries to confront someone (his father or ladybug usually). whether he's sad, angry, guilty, disappointed, adrien will try to retreat to safety by forming a shield, so to speak.

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there is an indisputable link between body and mind when it comes to trauma. adrien tries to not take much space not only with his physical presence, but by also almost never speaking up in class (unless to defend marinette), trying to be concise when communicating, and rarely making jokes. he's extremely reserved.

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one of the scenes between gabriel and adrien that solidifies that adrien is terrified of his father happens in the first episode of season 2, when gabriel forbids adrien from attending school as a punishment for stealing and losing the grimoire. notice how gabriel is speaking with his back turned to his son, insinuating that adrien is not even worthy of being looked in the eyes. at one point he clenches his fist, as if to threaten his son. adrien is sitting on his computer chair with his hands in his lap, only lifting them defensively when he tries to explain himself. gabriel stands directly in front of him, as if shadowing adrien with his anger and contempt.

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let's take a look at another episode - 'captain hardrock', in which gabriel and nathalie are listening to adrien play a piano piece. the screenshots in the upper half are from a moment when adrien hits a wrong note - notice the sheer fear and panic in his expression. he is immediately stopped, reprimanded for making a mistake, accused of being irresponsible and influenced by his rock band friends, and he's forbidden from attending his friends' concert. what's interesting about this moment isn't how he once again tries to make himself scarce physically - it's the terrified glance he gives his father when he plays the wrong key. you can just tell that adrien has internalized his father's reproaches and that his disapproving voice lives in his head, even when gabriel isn't there.

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and can anyone judge him? take a look at these two screencaptures from 'stormy weather 2'. what happened is that adrien walked into his father's office, bright and enthusiastic, eager to tell him about the interesting idea behind his last photoshoot, and not only did he dare to interrupt gabriel's villainy, but he also accidentally called him 'dad' instead of 'father', as gabriel demands. a dirty look over the shoulder, two clenched fists, and adrien immediately apologizes and retreats.

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adrien lives life on the defense. he has a naturally delicate and sensitive personality, which earns only eye rolls and accusations of put-on dramatism (there is also something to be said about how gabriel and adrien's relationship neatly corresponds to male and female gender roles, but that's yet another meta for another day).

notice the scene with ladybug in the image above - a rare time where adrien's trauma body language has bled into chat noir. he's insecure because 'nobody tells [him] how awesome [he] is', and he refuses to look ladybug or alix in the eyes while saying it. adrien is uncomfortable with looking at people during his most vulnerable moments.

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'glaciator' is one of the episodes that can serve like a crash course on the way adrien carries himself under stress, this time because he's disappointed and heartbroken that the girl he loves didn't come to his surprise.

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when around his father, if there's somebody else around he feels close to, adrien might lean on that other person, in order to feel stronger and braver.

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now. not to be a conspiracy theorist about a cartoon or something, but. as miraculous is told from marinette's pov, we don't have a lot of episodes that focus on the agrestes, so we, the audience, often rely on guesswork and speculation. what was the relationship between emilie and gabriel? what was emilie really like? is she really as good as adrien claims, if he was strictly isolated the entire time she was alive? i do think that adrien's life has been mostly unexplored in canon (so far), and that includes his relationship with gabriel. i want to make it as clear as possible - adrien is brave to the point of stupidity, and not just as chat noir. let's not forget that he jumped from the top of a skyscraper, lead only by his faith that ladybug will save him, who, by the way, was busy being captured by gorizilla and screaming for help herself. if that's not crazy, i don't know what is.

adrien is afraid of his father. you don't get a child that so obviously displays trauma symptoms with a few cruel jabs. i very, very strongly feel that we haven't even seen the tip of the iceberg when it comes to gabriel's abuse. look at the screencaptures above from the episode 'simon says'. adrien is familiar with his father's insults, very much so. who else remembers how his father was nowhere to be found when he won a fencing tournament in 'chat blanc', but the day his technique is slipping, his father is waiting at the top of the stairs of the agreste mansion, ready to reprimand adrien? and speaking of 'chat blanc'...

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these two moments might be the saddest. we don't know yet if adrien knows the true identity of hawk moth in 'ephemeral'. i'm leaning towards yes, because adrien is so courageous that he had no problems fighting what he assumed to be the real hawk moth with an umbrella in 'the puppeteer 2'.

in both situations, he's being cornered. adrien's moving slowly (hell, he's crawling in 'chat blanc), his face frozen in a mask of pure fear. look at adrien in 'chat blanc' - a boy who has the power to destroy everything he touches is now trying to surrender and is begging with one palm in the air. in both cases, right before getting akumatized by his father, adrien displays the trauma stress response known as 'freeze', instead of 'fight' or 'flight'. he's immobile and passive. a classic adrien line is 'i can't stand by and do nothing!', and yet here he is, thoughts completely shut off, unable to plan a way to get to safety or fight for his self-preservation.

ladybug has said that chat noir is braver than her. he is reckless, for sure. but when it comes to gabriel, adrien retreats to an almost womb-like state physically, instead of the openness and 'world is my oyster' attitude he displays as chat noir. he mistakenly believes that the less space he takes, the less he is heard and seen, and the less he asserts himself as someone with wants and needs, the less angry and disappointed will gabriel be. and that is adrien's biggest mental fallacy, since we're talking about the man who will readily make adrien suffer, only because adrien is getting into his way.

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After the Season 4 final, they had they reveal. And Adrien and Mari talked one evening over text/voice mail and suddenly something was off. Adrien came rushinh to her, because worried partner. (Not dating here) and yeah....

Pressure, guilt, depression....sudden drastic descisions happens. Like cutting off your hair suddenly.

I had a friend who did this

Marinette is 14y old...the poor thing.

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not feeling well mentally rn and my brain went zooming towards adrien having several trauma responses to illness.

i don't mean falling ill himself, but watching other people fall ill or them being injured. he's had to go through the torture of watching his mother get sicker and sicker until one day when he woke up and she wasn't there anymore

him flinching every time nathalie coughs or even clears her throat, she's accustomed to sending him a small smile to let him know she's alright, but when her legs give way and she's about to faint again he's the first to catch her before she falls, he's always bringing her her food tray whenever he's at home and not at school or at a million other extracurriculars, he memorises every pill and syup the doctor prescribes and always makes sure they're at her bedside. nathalie hides the unopened packages of medicines whenever adrien walks into the room because he doesn't know her illness is because of magical causes, and she wants him to think she's taking her meds.

he gets a huge scolding and gets grounded for a week for taking a detour from school to nino's house but adrien can't bring himself to care. nino had broken his leg while climbing down the stairs, and imagine his shock when adrien came barging into his room and shaking him and checking him all over like he was on his deathbed. adrien didn't leave until nino promised to text him everyday about his improvement.

he knows what its like to see the people you love fall ill and be terrified about them never getting discharged from the doctor's care. that's why he quietly steals glances at rose and juleka whenever he can. he never makes it obvious, because neither of them like the attention, but he can tell whenever they're having a conversation about rose's sickness, because juleka always sends adrien a particularly sad look.

he didn't think of all the people he loved, plagg would fall sick. one morning he woke up to find plagg howling from a tummy ache and refusing to touch his cheese and adrien went nuts. he couldn't contact master fu, master su han didn't know who he was, and the only one with the actual solution to heal his kwami was ladybug, who didn't know his identity either. his only choice was to let plagg find his way to ladybug by himself, even though he looked terribly ill. adrien locked himself in the bathroom to pretend he was having a shower before fencing class, because he couldn't stand the thought of leaving the house and plagg coming back to him not being there. not even an hour later, plagg came back with a sheepish yet shameless grin - ladybug had healed his stomach ache and only warned him not to eat too much cheese in one day.

adrien went into a silent convulsion when he saw marinette's prescription for constipation on that train. he had to tell himself to calm down. constipation wasn't a serious matter. people didn't die from it. but they were in a lot of pain and discomfort and he couldn't stand the thought of marinette like that. he spent the entire weekend walking around london on foot, arguing and pleading with english pharmacists who didn't store a french brand of constipation medicine.

he knows ladybug doesn't like it when he's hurt, and he does try his best to not get erased or brainwashed or injured while battling akumas, but he can't not jump in front of her when she's in danger. better him than her. one time an akuma threw her headfirst into a building, and she couldn't open her eyes for a full minute. she awoke to her head on chat's lap and a knocked out villain.

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It's dangerous outside, here, take him with you!

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"adrien was depressed this episode and deserves compassion and understanding" and "adrien is experiencing cognitive distortions that are leading to irrational decision making" are takes that not only can coexist but should coexist

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lmao I'm gonna rip my hair out if one more person says that everything Adrien has gone through is invalid and that there essentially is no need to treat him as a human and his personality is fake and "programmed" ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧

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please, someone hug this boy

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Lil Adrienette comic based on this Clone High clip

Posted on twitter too! Please support me there as well 💙

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When will people learn that saying "this season has bad writing cause they don't care about Adrien" and "I'm not salting on Adrien I just want him to be happy again" and all these things that imply that him being sad is BAD and he needs to be happy to be a fun character is invalidating as all hell????

Like essentially you're saying that the only worth he has is the comfort you find in him being happy sunshine funny boy?

Or that he doesn't have enough screentime but the reality is he has had the most character development screentime of any season but he's show emotions and so its bad because he's not happy all of the time

And its incredibly invalidating because as someone who always bottles her feelings up and is depressed like 75% of the time seeing a character do it on screen and isolate himself and hide his feelings is legitimately making me realize the way I do it and helping me want to change. But then seeing someone go he's too sad makes me revert back thinking oh i gotta be positive or no one will like me

And I guarantee there is someone in you're life doing the same things as he is and you would never tell them to stop being sad.

Please let this boy be sad.

Don't say the writers are being bullies for making him sad. Because no, they're not. They're making him more human. The way I see some folks acting is the way Gabe acts with the need to make his son be perfect. Don't be Gabe folks.

It's different if you say the show has writing inconsistencies because there are but people keep forgetting the season isn't over and they're setting things up and you watched out of order in a language you didn't understand and just please stop and just wait especially on my posts It's so dumb

Don't call it bad writing when we don't even know what the build up is leading to.

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What do you do when the hero needs saving?

Avalanche by Avril Lavigne

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adrichat but its all bro wholesome

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I feel like if Adrien finds out that Luka knows he might have a relief-induced breakdown

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Did anyone else realize how lonely season 4 is making Adrien?

Like at the beginning of season 4, Marinette was struggling and she felt so alone. But then like right after episode 4, all is almost back to normal for her, (heck) its even better for her in some ways.

But Adrien, Adrien has been losing people from episode one of the season.

Ladybug growing more distant.

Kagami hardly talks to him

His cousin Felix hasnt even talked with him

Lost his friendship with Chloé entirely

Nino talking smack about him (granted it was about chat noir)

Luka knows his identity and not even helping him talk through his issues.

And then add the fact he might be a sentimonster? Boy is losing himself too.

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hey im absolutely obsessed with this akuma!adrien by @heuffopla KICK SOME ASS MY BOY- HELL YEAH!!! this was so fun to draw, idk what it is about this new brush im using, or his cubist design, I had so much fun, absolutely cannot WAIT for more about this au (?? is it an au or a design i... whatever) check out the intro comic here!!

bonus limelight in more of my style! so fun, i'm enamored by ur art heuffopla

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Anonymous asked:

So the show makes fun of Marinette being anxious when the creator outright confirms she has anxiety and he thinks it's funny. At this point the could outright say she has autism and say it's still her fault for not understanding social queues and wouldn't even be surprised. I hate this.

(the post this anon is referring to)

Honestly, what bugs me too is the wishy-washy way of not saying it explicitly in a tweet, but happily retweeting and promoting posts about it. Even if it wasn't intentional to make Marinette neurodivergent, he's clearly happy to reblog stuff presenting the idea and call it great analysis.

Though I'm sure any post talking positively about the show is something he's willing to support. Anything that makes his show seem better/more interesting than it really is.

vitaliciouscreations asked:

I'm legitimately afraid that the show may pull a move like acknowledging that Marinette has anxiety and making it canon, only then to make an entire episode with the lesson she learns being to "get over it". Like I don't think they'd do something like that, but this show has disappointed me so many times before.

Genuinely wondering if Astruc is aware of the implications or would just brag about how progressive he's being by giving the "girl power" female protagonist anxiety/ADHD, probably excusing any treatment by saying that he's just "treating her the exact same as he would a normal protagonist" and missing the point entirely.

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